
Time ceased to have stir in the air, and waited for a long time. They both glared at each other, and the silence is reborn. It looks like I am lost in a sea of clone troopers, waiting for the Emperor to give his orders. An inferno was smothered into nothingness, and I was rebornContinue reading “Silence”

The lights flickered

As I was walking down the street, the street lights flickered and created an eerie setting. The moon and the stars, warmly nested in the adorable sky, whose beauty is hunted by the celestial objects. The moonlit doors of the houses were all locked, and was just reflecting back them. It felt as if IContinue reading “The lights flickered”

Meeting Adam and the gold mine- Part 5

I was unable to break the axe so he allotted me to for the work which was not very onerous but was the most laborious. The work of carrying gold from one mine to another. In the first try i tried and i was on the ground halfway. The person next to me chuckled. HeContinue reading “Meeting Adam and the gold mine- Part 5”

My first slavery test- part 4

A 2000 volt electric shock has just passes through my body and every synapse was loaded with energy. My master guided me to a dark and murk cave. I would have never imagined that a son of a parent who earns 50000 USD would one day be forced to work in this dreadful place fullContinue reading “My first slavery test- part 4”

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